2001年9月29日 第7回国際PAF学会 (PLM 2001) 終わる


この他に共同研究者(田渕、大日方、花香)がポスター発表した。何よりも若いうちに英語で口頭発表できることの意味は大きく、また、多くの国内外研究者と交流を深め、共同研究のプランを立てた3日間であった。なお、会議の最終日に清水が次の様な内容のConcluding Remarksを行った。

Concluding Remarks by T. Shimizu

Dear friends. Before closing the meeting, I had a few words to say. It is almost impossible to draw one conclusion from more than 100 nice presentation. It is, however, easy in a sense, to conclude that we are convinced that only good science makes a good conference. I was also personally very impressed with many high-quality and updated data presented in the last three days. Because of the high quality of science in this field, and many wishes to continue the conference, the organizing committee has decided to have the 8th conference in either in Italy or Australia in 2004, which will be shortly announced. Lastly but not least, I would like to thank Dr. Waku and Inoue for organizing the conference, and especially thank to Dr. T. Sugiura, A. Yamashita, S. Kishimoto and colleagues of Dr. Waku's laboratory. Without the help of these colleagues, the conference would never have been so successful.

I wish you more success in the science, and safe trip home, and we all wish the piece of the world. Good bye and see you in 2004.


左からDr. Hanahan (PAF発見者)、牧野教授、和久教授(会頭 )

